Post by Omner
It is often said that great missionaries and great teachers have a sound understanding of the gospel and have the spirit of prophecy and the spirit of revelation. Please indulge my effort to define what that means to me. I base this telling on my own personal time studying the holy scriptures along with my own experiences as a missionary.
First, the spirit of prophecy is a gift that testifies of Jesus Christ. A testimony of Jesus Christ is the essence of prophecy. As missionaries among the Lamanites, we experienced this great gift as we bore witness of Christ’s divinity. The spirit of prophecy enabled us to understand and communicate God’s will for those we helped teach and guide toward repentance. Though the spirit of prophecy does involve foreseeing future events, that was not our gift. We were blessed to discern God’s current will concerning the Lamanites we taught.
We were led to where to preach and how to approach the Lamanites.
As for the spirit of revelation, it is the process by which God imparts truth, whether through inspiration, visions, or for me mostly, the still, small voice of the Spirit. It was a personal communication with God. Throughout this process we found ourselves enlightened to act wisely and, believe it or not, righteously. That is not so easy for me, having once been numbered among the unbelievers.
It is when we study the scriptures, our hearts are opened to receive revelation. This same Spirit that inspires the prophets, inspires my personal understanding.
Now let me bring these two gifts together. Yes, they are interconnected. Both are gifts that come from God and are given to us only when we humble ourselves, are faithful, and are obedient to God’s commandments. They are tools for teaching, guiding, and blessing others. Trust me, they are not for personal gain or glorification. And, they require constant prayer, study, and reliance on the Spirit to understand and apply them properly.
So to summarize I might say: The spirit of prophecy enables us to testify of Christ and declare His will to others, while the spirit of revelation allows us to receive God’s guidance for our own lives and the work God wants us to do to help others. Together, they help us personally to live righteous lives and to help bring others into God’s embrace.
Well, that is how I see these two priceless spiritual gifts. As I grow and repent, I may see them more clearly. When I do, if I do, I will share with you again.